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December 2024 Meeting and Christmas Celebrations. We were delighted that the Mayor of Speltorne and other local dignitaries joined us to celebrate this special day. Their support for the Charity meant so much to the 35 patients in attendance in a room that holds only 25 seats!!
At The Action for Carers Event in November 2024 the Charity was delighted and honoured that the Mayor of Spelthorne became one of its supporters. A very warm welcome and thank you sir.
Our two lucky winners of an afternoon tea “cheering up” gift provided by Notcutts Garden Centre in Staines. November 2024.
D’Oyly’s Island social get-together August 2024.
Notcutts’ “cheering up” gifts
Sharon and Tina, the lucky winners of one of two last month’s (July 2024) generous “cheering up” gifts, enjoying their afternoon tea at the garden centre. Many thanks to Notcutts and manager Stuart for such a generous gesture in providing two such gifts for every one of our monthly meetings!!